Tell your donors about #HalfMyDAF

Here’s what to do as a nonprofit:

As a nonprofit, you don’t need to do anything to be eligible for a matching grant, as long as you’re a US-based 501(c)(3). This year’s overall matching pool is $2.25M, including $1M in the general matching fund for all nonprofits. Nonprofits working in gender equity, reproductive justice and education in underserved communities will have additional chances to receive funding with $750K for gender equity, $250K for reproductive justice, and $250K for education in underserved communities..

To increase your chances of receiving a match. Let your board members and DAF donors know about #HalfMyDAF.

  1. Here’s a sample letter for donors. The key message: “Your money could go even further. Every grant from a DAF given by a donor who commits to halving their DAF increases our chances of receiving a dollar-for-dollar matches of up to $25,000.”

  2. Reach out to your board members. Talk to your board members about their own DAFs, if they have one. Ideally they become #HalfMyDAF donors and encourage others to do the same.

  3. Include messaging about #HalfMyDAF in donor outreach. Consider adding language like this to donor e-mails: “Do you have a Donor Advised Fund? If you make a grant to us and commit to spend down half the money in your DAF by September 26, we will be eligible to receive matching funds. Details at”

  4. For additional ideas on how to engage with DAF holders, check out this presentation.

  5. The more donors who commit to #HalfMyDAF and give to your organization, the greater your chances of receiving a match. Every donation from a different donor increases your chances of receiving a matching grant.

An important note on receiving matching funds: DAFs issue funds via check or Electronic Funds Transfer. To avoid checks sitting in mailboxes— a common problem because of remote work— we highly recommend setting your nonprofit up as an ACH funds-transfer recipient. The Amalgamated Foundation is our #HalfMyDAF fund sponsor. Register your nonprofit at their GranteeView portal to make receiving funds easier.

Questions? Send a note to And if you’re already registered at Fidelity, Schwab or another sponsor, please also register with Amalgamated. You’ll get funds fast from all institutions.

Here’s what you can expect from #HalfMyDAF:

  1. We will regularly post names of new DAF donors and the nonprofits they’re supporting. We won’t connect donors’ names with the amounts given. Donors can always choose to remain anonymous.

  2. We will award matching grants a few days after June 27 and September 26, 2025. All grants made by end-of-day June 27th will be eligible for our first round of matching grants and all grants made by end-of-day September 26th will be in our second round.

  3. Please note that due to administrative costs, grants must be at least $250 to qualify for matches.

  4. Grants not matched at the end of June will automatically be eligible for a match in September.