Grant half your DAF. Unlock matching Funds.

What to do as a donor:

  1. Make a donation and commit to spend down half the money in your DAF. Start by making a grant. When you have your grant confirmation (usually downloadable from the fund sponsor’s website, or you can take a screenshot), complete this #HalfMyDAF commitment form and attach the DAF grant confirmation(s).

    • Submit grants to as many nonprofits as you’d like. The more submission you make the higher your chances of receiving a match.

    • Please attach DAF confirmations for each grant.

    • Don’t have a Google Account or can’t upload PDFs? Submit here.

  2. You have until end-of-day June 27, 2025 to submit DAF grant confirmations for the first match. You can give to any nonprofit and to as many nonprofits as you’d like.

    • This year’s overall matching pool will be at least $2.25 million, including $1M in a general matching fund for all nonprofits.

    • We won’t match funds granted to organizations that promote hate speech, hate crimes, gun violence, or restrictions on reproductive health.

    • You’re free to list all grants, but unfortunately due to administrative costs we’ll only be able to match grants of greater than $250.

  3. Have questions? Here’s a FAQ

  4. Spread the word. Please let friends, family, and peers know about #HalfMyDAF. The more DAF holders who accept the challenge, the more money is put to work.

What to expect from #HalfMyDAF:

  1. We will regularly post the names of new DAF donors and the nonprofits they’re supporting. We won’t connect donors’ names with the amounts given. Donors can always choose to remain anonymous.

  2. We will award matching grants a few days after June 27, 2025 and September 26, 2025. All grants made by end-of-day June 27th will be eligible for our first round of matching grants. All grants that weren’t matched in the first round plus new grants made by end-of-day September 26 will be in our second round. We will award dollar-for-dollar matches up to $5,000 with two lucky nonprofits receiving matches of $25,000 at each drawing.

  3. Grants not matched in June will automatically be eligible for matches in September.