Put your funds to work. Today.
#HalfMyDAF is back again for 2025.
Donors who give from a donor advised fund can make donations go further with the possibility of matching grants. When you commit to spending half of the money in your DAF by the end of September, all the gifts you make become eligible for matches.
This year, #HalfMyDAF will give away at least $2.25 million in matching grants, awarded via two drawings.
If you’re a DAF holder, here’s how to submit grants that could receive matches. We’ll conduct the first drawing the weekend after June 27, 2025, and the second weekend after September 26th.
If you run a nonprofit, let your donors know how their giving can go further. Here are some suggestions.
We started #HalfMyDAF in May 2020 to inspire more giving. Since then, the #HalfMyDAF community has moved over $70 million from DAFs to thousands of nonprofits.
Our partner, Amalgamated Foundation is our #HalfMyDAF DAF sponsor, issuing the matching grants and promoting #HalfMyDAF to their account holders. Amalgamated is the first DAF provider to enact a 10% payout pledge. We’ve moved our personal DAF to Amalgamated and encourage you to consider doing the same.
Thank you for your generosity. There is currently over $251B housed in DAFS across the country. We hope you are inspired to put your DAF money to work now.
Jennifer & David Risher